Saturday 22 September 2018

Characteristics of Christian Historiography

The important characteristics of Christian historiography are: 

1.    Universal History: Christian historiographers composed universal history. They portrayed the history of the universe from the genesis to the last judgement. It was the Biblical version of history.

2.  Chronological Organisation of History: Christian historiographers brought the chronological organisation of historical events. All the events were brought within a single chronological framework. The events were arranged in chronological sequence.

3.  Periodisation in History: Christian historiographers brought periodisation into history. They divided the historic period into two parts with Christ as the centre. The various events are dated backwards and forward from the birth of Christ. They also divided history into two – the period of light and the period of darkness and further subdivided it into several periods.

4.  Established a relationship between the Church and the State: Christian historiography brought the first effort to establish a relationship between the church and the state. Through his work City of God, St. Augustine represented the church and the state as the two intermingled cities. This shaped the attitude of the church towards the state and politics.

5.  The Providential Philosophy of History: Christian historiography attributed the historical development to the will of God. This idea of providence constituted the Christian historical approach and shaped the course of Christian historical thought.

6.  The idea of the Conflict of Two: Christian historiography brought out the idea that the conflict of two is the moving force behind the course of history. St. Augustine argued that the task of the historical study is to trace the step by step development of the conflict between the church and the state.